
All speakers and poster presenters are requested to submit an abstract. Please register before doing so.

The DEADLINE for submitting an abstract has been extended to May 30, 2009.

Authors of selected poster abstracts will be invited to give an oral presentation.

Please compose your abstract using this template (rtf, doc, docx). Be sure it looks like the abstract in this pdf. The abstract must fit within the text box in the template. Abstracts not matching the template will be returned.

Follow the instructions in the template carefully.

When your abstract is complete, click on the following link to send your abstract as an e-mail attachment.

Submit abstract

If your e-mail does not automatically open with a preconfigured new message, please open it manually and e-mail your abstract as an attachment to ajbog{at}iastate.edu. IMPORTANT: specify "xgc2009abstract" in the subject line.

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