Representing PLPM from Midwest to the Westcoast

August 1, 2017

Early this year, Dr. Roger Wise attended the Plant and Animal Genome Conference, one of the largest Ag-Genomics meeting in the world, at San Diego California. During this meeting, Dr. Wise presented a seminar on “Inter-Chromosomal Transfer of Immune Regulation during Infection of Barley with the Powdery Mildew Pathogen”.

Then, on mid-April, Dr. Wise was invited by Michigan State University Genetics graduate program to participate as panelist in a career workshop held on April 19, 2017. Besides being a panelist, Dr. Wise also presented a seminar on “Interchromosomal transfer of immune regulation during infection of barley by the powdery mildew pathogen” sponsored by the Genetics, Genetics and Plant Breeding, and Biotechnology Programs.

To read some of Dr. R. Wise publications check on his Google scholar page.
